S3 E-Type

O2 Sensors Part II: Fitting Sensors
Welding Fittings to the exhaust

by Administrator

I purchased some new downpipes made by Falcon in Stainless Steel. To be honest the parts arent very well made (see below: they are different!), but they will do.
Image: e107_files/images/new_downpipes.jpg

I propose fitting the sensors somewhere about here, where there's space and its close to the manifolds to keep the sensors hot:
Image: e107_files/images/proposed_position.jpg

I got a local company to weld some fittings to the exhaust in the desired location:
Image: e107_files/images/welded_bolt_downpipe.jpg

These look fine and now I can test-fit the sensors in place:
Image: e107_files/images/02_sensor_fitted.jpg

The view inside the pipe looks like this:
Image: e107_files/images/view_down_pipe.jpg

I dont know if thats going to be a big restriction, but it's certainly a great position for the Oxygen Measurements. One day i guess i could take the sensors off and blank off the holes....who knows...